
I joked with Bamm-Bamm earlier that the last time I was away in Mexico (wife & I away for honeymoon), we came back to him properly walking (May 2016). I asked what would Daddy come back to this time? 

At dinner I mused it might be full sentences. But no, it might be toilet training success!

Earlier he went off and we heard his sister exclaim “what are you doing!?” He had taken off his pull ups and sat on the potty for a number one – BY HIMSELF! Yas! 

Then, as we’re getting ready for bath, he says “oh no daddy! Peepee!” I lift up the toilet seat, which has his training seat on it, and bam, up he climbs & does the business!


2 responses to “Milestones”

  1. It’s a blast to watch the process of the littles. Our boys went on their own watch. Our younger son is in the back and forth phase of sometimes doing things on his own and most times still wanting someone with him. Take care!

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